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Arhiv Federacije u Litvaniji

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Srebrenički inferno je ušao proteklih dana u srca Litvanaca, koji su priredili srdačnu dobrodošlicu Arhivu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine.
Veliki broj stanovnika Viljnusa došao je 15. septembra 2015. godine u park mira Tuskulanei da sluša epopeju Srebrenice, a onda i da vidi izložbu koja je upadljivo najavljivana u sredstvima javnog informiranja ove sjeverne zemlje, koja je nakon otpora sovjetskoj agresiji postala punopravna članica EU i NATO pakta. Koliki je značaj dat izložbi, koja je otvorena poslije zaključenja našeg lista, vidi se i po činjenici da je u organizaciju izložbe Arhiva Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine bila uključena čitava arhivska mreža Litvanije i Istraživačkog centra za genocid ove zemlje. Primjetna je bila istinska želja svih organizatora da izložbu povežu sa sličnim zločinima koje su u njihovoj zemlji učinili pripadnici sovjetskog režima i tajne službe KGB.
U predvečerje ovog kulturnog dogaðaja, delegaciji Arhiva Federacije BiH su u litvanskim arhivima pokazana svjedočanstva o monstruoznim sovjetskim zločinima, a u Muzeju su vidjeli sobe za mučenje zarobljenih partizana, koji su se borili protiv ruske okupacije njihove zemlje.
Sam čin ceremonije otvaranja bio je nevjerovatno snažan, jer su odsvirane himne dvije zemlje, a onda su u veoma sreðenoj dvorani Tuskulanei, koja je bila ukrašena zastavama Bosne i Hercegovine i Litvanije, a posjetioci okićeni cvjetovima Srebrenice, održani prigodni govori predstavnika Litvanskih arhiva, Istraživačkog centra za genocid i Arhiva Federacije BiH.
Glavni arhivist Litvanije Ramojus Kraujelis je podsjetio Litvance na težak zločin genocida koji se dogodio u Srebrenici, naglašavajući da nosi cvijet Srebrenice na svojim grudima kao što je nosio u sličnim prilikama i Plavi cvijet „ne zaboravi me“, koji simoblizira dogaðaje genocida nad Litvancima.
„Ono što se desilo u Srebrenici najmračnija je epizoda zločina protiv čovječanstva. Izložba je šokantna, ali to je prava historija. Fotografije i dokumenti su objektivni svjedoci koji ništa ne uljepšavaju. Litvanija je bila jedna od zemalja u Vijeću sigurnosti koja je ovu tragediju direktno i otvoreno nazvala pravim imenom. Litvanija i svijet moraju biti svjesni razmjera ovog zločina.Ne samo da znaju nego i da se pobrinu da se ovakva tragedija nikada više ne ponovi nigdje u svijetu- rekao je dr.Ramojus Kraujelis glavni litvanski arhivist.
Biruta Birauskaite, direktorica Istraživačkog centra za genocid je kazala da se o zločinima genocida mora stalno govoriti kako se oni nikome više ne bi nikada ponovili.
Govoreći o tragičnim dogaðajima od prije 20 godina, direktor Arhiva Federacije BiH mr. Adamir Jerković je podsjetio da je „nedavno u Savjetu bezbjednosti Ujedinjenih naroda Srbiju odbranio veto Rusije da bude politički pokopana, ali niko nije mogao odbraniti bosanske Srbe pred Meðunarodnim sudom pravde u Hagu, jer je zločin u Srebrenici nazvan pravim imenom – genocid“. Opisujući situaciju u kojoj je bila Bosna i Hercegovina, Jerković je rekao da se ona našla okružena neprijateljskim susjedima, slično Litvaniji, koji su imali svoje domaće „filijale“ unutar nje same i koji su asistirali u pokušaju podjele teritorije Bosne i Hercegovine.
„Po tom planu, Bošnjaci su trebali biti poubijani, raseljeni po svijetu, a u maloj enklavi u središtu Bosne, ostavljeni samo u tragovima.“ Jerković je dalje naveo da su masovna ubistva bila njihovo glavno sredstvo i da su pri tom „srušili oko hiljadu džamija misleći da će na takav način otjerati zauvijek muslimansko stanovništvo“. U izrazito tolerantnoj Litvaniji ovaj podatak je izazvao zgražanje publike, jer je poznato da su Litvanci prije nekoliko godina izgradili džamiju u Kaunusu nevelikom broju svojih muslimana.
U nastavku je Adamir Jerković je rekao da je u Bosni i Hercegovini rat završen i da su agresori polomili zube. „Ali mi u Bosni i Hercegovini moramo još uvijek čekati na smirivanje strasti, jer su posljedice nametnutog rata koji je isceniran izvan Bosne i Hercegovine, još uvijek prisutne“.
Jerković je u obraćanju naveo da smo sačuvali Bosnu i Hercegovinu, ali ćemo morati da se borimo u uslovima mira za elementarna prava Bošnjaka, kojima vlasti u Republici Srpskoj, ne daju da svoj jezik nazivaju bosanskim jezikom.
„Ovdje je riječ o jezičkom apartheidu, koji, naravno, bošnjačka zajednica ne može i neće prihvatiti“- zaključio je Adamir Jerković govoreći na otvaranju meðunarodne izložbe u Viljnusu, glavnom gradu Litvanije.
Inače, u ovdašnjim sredstvima informiranja izložba Arhiva Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine „Srebrenički inferno“ je primljena sa razumijevanjem i poštovanjem a o njoj  je emitirani prilozi u centralnom dnevniku (Panorami) i Radio Litvaniji neuobičajeno dugih minutaža. Objavljeni su i prilozi na litvanskim portalima.

  Viljnus, 18. 9. 2015.  


mr. Adamir Jerković - Srbi ne daju Bošnjacima da svoj jezik nazivaju bosanskim jezikom.jpg

Birute Birauskaite - O genocidu se mora stalno govoriti

dr. Kraujelis „Ono što se desilo u Srebrenici najmračnija je epizoda zločina protiv čovječanstva

Litvanska vojska ulazi u dvoranu

 Veoma ozbiljno Litvanci su shvatili poruke izložbe
Litvanci su plakali  

 Viljnus je gledao zločine srpske vojske u BiH, misleći na žrtve KGB u svojoj zemlji



  Osloboðenje, 19.09. - Izložba u Litvaniji


  Prilog o izložbi Arhiva Federacije "Srebrenički inferno" na dnevniku državne televizije Litvanije (počinje od 18:40 minute)


Speech of the director of the Archives of the Federation, MSc Adamir Jerković

Dear citizens of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, dear Mr. Ramojus Kraujelis, Ms Birute Burauskaite, directors and associates of Lithuanian archives, all of you who love Bosnia and Herzegovina and respect the victims of the war in my country and victims of the Srebrenica genocide!  
In July this year, we commemorated 20 years from the Srebrenica tragedy. All this time we have been speaking to the world of the heinous crime and genocide committed in Europe at the end of the 20th century. It was a dreadful century which saw shedding of blood of innocent people who were guilty just because they were Bosniaks, that is, Muslims.

In just several days in July 1995, almost 9,000 Bosniaks-Muslims were cruelly murdered. It was a monstrous crime which we have to prove even today, although the world knows what happened and who is responsible for that. Recently, in the United Nations Security Council, Russian veto defended Serbia from being politically undermined, but no one could defend the Serbians before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, where the crime in Srebrenica was given its true name – genocide. Srebrenica is, actually, the top of the spiral of evil, which started by implementation of the project of Great Serbia whose roots are a century and a half old. Genocide in Srebrenica is a warning for all freedom-loving people of what can happen when the criminals are allowed to speak of freedom, justice, and law, and when they are not prevented in their insane intention to arrange the world according to their customs and laws of war.

However, the main protagonist of the heinous crime committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Serb army led by the Yugo-general Ratko Mladić. That army received full support from the neighboring „crumbled“ Yugoslavia, which was actually Great Serbia, and which tried to include Bosnia and Herzegovina in the project of Great Serbia. Mladić was arrested and is currently under trial in The Hague. Although it is known that the Serbian regime was responsible for the crimes in the neighboring and internationally acknowledged country of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the town of Srebrenica, the unjust world forces us to be satisfied with only individual sentences for the establishment officials. The International Court of Justice in The Hague issued numerous verdicts to individual Serbians guilty for genocides, not only in Srebrenica but also in other places in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Also, the International Court of Justice in The Hague issued verdicts to several high level officials who were Bosnian Croats to perennial sentences for participation in united criminal activity.
This all leads us to conclusion that Bosnia and Herzegovina, similar to Lithuania, found itself surrounded with enemies who had their own subsidiaries within its territory and who assisted in division of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to that plan, Bosniaks-Muslims should have been murdered, displaced across the world, and remained in insignificant numbers in a small enclave in the center of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mass murders were the main weapon, and Serb and Croat armies destroyed thousands of mosques, believing that would force Muslim population to flee the country.

Despite such crimes, Bosnia and Herzegovina survived. I know that you can understand this, because you fought battles for the independence of your country for centuries. Torn among your neighbors Germany, Poland, and Russia, you had to constantly worry for the national independence, which had been damaged, or sometimes even taken away. You kept rising like a phoenix, sometimes completely from the ashes, like in 1920s in front of the Polish Army which took over this city and parts of Lithuania. You suffered in 1920s under the Germans who got the broad governance. Your country suffered the Soviet occupation and genocide, researched by the Center led by Ms Burauskaite. Although we are quite distant, we in Bosnia and Herzegovina remember the resistance you mounted to the Soviet hegemony. We remember the victims of the Soviet parachutist attack in January 1991, and your referendum when the vast majority of Lithuanians chose independence.
Freedom does not have the price. You waited for your freedom for long time, from June 15, 1940, when, as a small country, you were devoured by two big neighbors after the secret agreement between Stalin and Hitler in 1939. 

For so long you had to wait for your freedom, initiated by the Lithuanian movement Sajudis. But you finally have independent Lithuania, and that deserves respect. We extend our respect to you.
Our war has ended. The aggressors remained defected by the resistance of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country more than thousands years old. But, we still have to wait for the state to simmer down. The consequences of the imposed war, staged outside Bosnia and Herzegovina, are still present. They still remain, and it will take years for wounds to heal. Not all victims were still found. We will be finding the bones of the victims across Bosnian hills, trying to determine to whom the bones belong by DNA samples. In Srebrenica, a mother is content when a single bone of her child is found, so it can be properly buried. There is still a lot of work to do regarding mass graves which are usually in inaccessible places, ravines or lakes. Those are usually secondary mass graves, dug secretly by Serbs at the end of the war and after the Dayton Peace Agreement was signed, and they contain remains from several mass graves. But, thank God, the truth attainable, but slow. We preserved our country, but in the times of peace, we will have to fight for the basic rights of Bosniaks who in Republic of Srpska, an entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina, do not have the right to use their language, Bosnian language.
Dear friends,
During previous months we spoke of this in Cairo, Berlin, Ankara, Copenhagen, Istanbul, Toronto, Bursa, Zadar, Rijeka, Pula, Split, Trabzon, Kayseri, Frankfurt, Munich, Adana, Adapazar, Yalova, Imzit, Warsaw, and we will continue to do so across the world in years to come.  
Because, in Srebrenica and in other Bosnian places, Serb fascists attacked humanity and human dignity.
The Srebrenica genocide was perpetrated in front of the whole world which watched the broadcasting of the crime and did not do anything to prevent the blood from being shed. And because of that, as much as the criminals who murdered the innocent people are responsible, the international community, United Nations Security Council, and all great forces are responsible as much. No one was innocent.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20 years from the establishment of peace, is in reform constraint. Changes are painful, but we know we have to go through them, just as you did. Majority of the population strongly support the path to European Union and NATO pact. That is the framework which guarantees us freedom and security.     
At the end, allow me to thank Mr. Ramojus Kraujelis, the Chief Archivist of Lithuania, and all other archivists, especially Mr. Gintaras Dručkus from the Archive of Kaunas. He actually connected me with Mr. Kraujelis, a person excellent to cooperate with, and allow me to notice that you have an extraordinary chief archivist and organizer. I would like to thank to Ms  Birute Burauskaite, the Director General of the Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania, who also enabled us, in gorgeous Memorial Complex of the Tuskulėnai Peace Park in Vilnius, to present the images of the Srebrenica holocaust.

They all made joint admirable effort so we could commemorate the victims of the Srebrenica genocide committed in July 1995.  
I invite you to see the photographs of horror, so you always remember Bosnia and Herzegovina and Srebrenica.
(With this, I pronounce the exhibition open.)